WOLFA Composters & screen sieves

WOLFA composters and screen sieves are made from hot-dipped expanded metal and therefore extremely robust and weather-resistant. Hot-dipped according to DIN, their service life is nearly unlimited.
All composters and screen sieves are protected by a solid angular frame. Letting the smaller pieces of your garden waste pass - the mesh size is 40 x 15 mm -, the diamond-shaped mesh provides excellent sieving characteristics.

Further advantages: 

  • Clean garden 
  • Fertilize without chemistry

WOLFA Composter

Our composters are suitable for each and every organic garden waste. The small mesh size keeps rats, birds, mice and other animals out and so allows the microorganisms and bacteria to do their job as should be. We also supply bottoms and tops of the same material for all composters.
Stylish but sturdy despite the low weight, large hold capacity and little need for space. Easy assembly - the single elements are simply plugged into each other.

The following models are available (width x length x height):

80 x 80 x 70 cm

100 x 100 x 80 cm

WOLFA Composter
WOLFA Composter

WOLFA Screen sieves

The (adjustable) angular support allows firm placement of the screen sieve. While the larger parts of your garden waste are kept out, the smaller pieces can easily pass the mesh and be utilized for composting. Since the screen sieve can be used in all places of the garden, working and composting the soil is now an easy and fast task. Excellent humus formation is guaranteed.

The following models are available (width x length x height):

60 x 100 cm
60 x 120 cm
80 x 100 cm
80 x 120 cm

WOLFA Screen sieves
WOLFA Screen sieves